Showing posts with label Christmas Kit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas Kit. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Glorious Christmas!

It's completed! Glorious Christmas has been uploaded to all my stores (links on your right) and is ready for you! If you would like to be able to pick this kit up for the cheapest price, go to ScrapBird! ScrapBird is having month long sales since it's her birthday month. The percentage lowers with every week we are nearer to Christmas so go and get yours soon!

 There are more previews available via the Newest Kit Previews tab above!

I have made you a little gift of some printable Christmas tags.  Print out as many as you need, punch a hole in the upper left corner, add string or ribbon, and put on your gifts; you can also forgo making the hole and glue or tape the tags on. I hope  you like this little freebie. Chris has made a couple of quickpages for you too! I have one in my newsletter that was sent out this morning; you can only get it by receiving my newsletter and I have decided to offer the newsletter freebies each newsletter through to the 1st week of the new year since everyone is so busy this month! Sign up for my newsletter on your right.

You can get the free Christmas tags at 4Shared HERE  or  MediaFire HERE!

Here is the quickpage Chris made that's available only through my newsletter (the year date is left blank so you may add you own):

I sincerely hope you all are having a wonderful December no matter where you live and no matter which holiday this month you call your own!


Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Part 10 of my Traditional Christmas Kit

Hey Y'all!
Here is part 10 of my traditional Christmas kit. It includes an uppercase alpha with numbers and symbols. Be sure and read the included instructions if you are not familiar with "sheet" elements. You can download this part from this link HERE! As always, hope you like it! I see where a lot of designers are not using 4shared anymore for their downloads because of the new rule of having to register to leave a comment. I contacted them and you can leave a comment if the file holder has designated that comments may be allowed! I love 4shared and really appreciate the fact that they give me so much space for free!

Kim continued to vomit through the night. She got behind in her fluid intake and her sugar levels were very high. She called me around 7pm tonight and said her husband was taking her to the hospital. She has really done well the last few weeks. When the vomiting starts, it doesn't stop until some mighty powerful meds are given to her at the hospital. She was doing fine until she ate dinner last night which her husband cooked. It wasn't tainted or anything, she just cannot eat certain things and I'm sure she didn't want to hurt his feelings, so . . . . I pray she will come back home tonight or tomorrow at the latest. Her daughter is going out of the country and Christmas is coming and oh my! Joshua is going to have a fit if his sister leaves and his mom isn't home yet. Pray with me . . .


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Part 9 of My Traditional Christmas Kit

Hey Y'all,
Here is another part to the kit! These are photo ornaments that can be used on layouts or your Christmas cards. Just layer your photo behind the ornament for a custom fit. There is another ornament hook included in case you didn't get the other parts of the kit which contain ornaments. Everything is in 300PPI for crisp printouts without drop shadows. When adding shadows be sure and layer your photo, ornament, and then merge before doing so. There were trees included in part 4 that can also be used with the ornaments. Hope you enjoy! Go HERE to download! I still have more to go so check back in!

Kim is not feeling too good this evening; the vomiting has started again. Poor Joshua is so worried about his mom, he feels such frustration because he can't make her feel better. I'm sure he is also thinking that she's about to go back to the hospital again and he still has to go on with school, homework, chores, etc. I know how hard this is on him and wish there was something I could say or do to help him understand.

Hope y'all are having a great week.


Monday, December 8, 2008

Part 8 of my Traditional Christmas Kit

Hey Y'all!
Here is part 8 of my traditional Christmas kit! It includes 4 .png overlays, 3 3.5" x 5" overlay frames, and 1 set of 5 brushes. I stayed up most of the night doing them but don't worry-I loved it! If I weren't such an anal personality I could just do them and let them be but I keep going back to tweak everything over and over. LOL! How did I ever get my children raised? I didn't, I'm still trying to 'tweak' them! Anyhow, the link for this part is HERE!

I still have at least one more part of this kit to go and if I get it finished I might do some more that I have been thinking of-I love doing this and giving them away! It's so much fun to read what scrappers have to say about my work and I get a kick out of the ideas that y'all pass along too! And Kim is staying pretty stable (Praise the Lord!) so it frees me up to come up with more ideas of my own.

Have a Merry Day!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Part 7 of my Traditional Christmas Kit

Hey Y'all!
So sorry to take so long to get this part of my Christmas kit to you. I spent hours trying to make a pom pom bow like I was picturing in my head and my thoughts didn't process in Photoshop! LOL! I finally got it finished though and I hope you like the end results. I'm really trying to hurry and get this one finished because the Christmas Around the World kit goes online on the twelfth (Next Friday at 12:00am!). You can get today's part HERE!

Hope your weekend has been lovely!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Part 6 of my Traditional Christmas Kit

Hey Y'all!
Here is Part 6 of my Traditional Christmas Kit. Hope you like it; it is a quick page for a boy's Christmas photo. I hope to make a girl's quick page next. You can down load it HERE!


Monday, December 1, 2008

Part 5 of my Traditional Christmas Kit

Hey Y'all,
Here is part 5 of my Traditional Christmas Kit. There are 15 high resolution (300ppi) patterned papers that may be used as background papers for layouts, backgrounds for printed greeting and postcards, as texture and clipping layers in PSE and PSCS2 & above. Make a frame for your photo or even print them out to wrap small gifts! I hope you like them-I am trying to figure out if 4Shared has disabled comments because I have not received a single one in DAYS even though all the parts are continuously being downloaded! Anyhow, the link can be found HERE!

Kim is doing okay. We had another scare yesterday because she had an anxiety attach. They are hard to distinguish between them and a heart attach, even the emergency response teams cannot tell the difference. She was with her family at a restaurant after church when it struck. Only thing we can figure to cause it was the fact that she had on short sleeves and people could see the 'pic' line that is inserted in her upper arm. She is better today but very tired from the attack and the weekend.

Hope all is well with my great blog friends!


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Part 4 of My Traditional Christmas Kit

Hey Y'all,
Just stopping by to post the latest part of my Christmas kit. I hope you are enjoying these goodies-I have really enjoyed making them and am learning more and more everyday about Photoshop. When I look back at the first Freebies I offered I'm dismayed by what I thought was good! This part of the kit has Christmas Ornaments and includes the trees that I forgot to put in Part 3, oops! I still have borders, overlays, brushes, clusters, alpha, and papers to make! Oh well, if they don't get finished quickly they can always wait and be used on those Christmas day layouts. You can get the download link HERE!

Kim has been doing pretty good the last several days. She is still reeling from the loss of her Murphy though. Her family decorated their home for Christmas today. I don't decorate any more. I want to but I'm not able to set up the tree and carry all the ornaments and such down from the attic. I have a few small items I like to put around but mostly I use fruit and flowers for the holiday deco.

I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. I also pray that you were not included in those people that went crazy over Black Friday and caused death and injury in order to obtain good sales prices. Please include India and Nigeria and all those who were wounded or killed in your prayers tonight; I cannot believe what's happening to our world. The weather around Charlotte has been balmy the past couple of days; we never know what tomorrow will bring anymore. I don't even pack up my summer pj's because I need them every once in a while.

Enjoy the freebie!
