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I have made you a little gift of some printable Christmas tags. Print out as many as you need, punch a hole in the upper left corner, add string or ribbon, and put on your gifts; you can also forgo making the hole and glue or tape the tags on. I hope you like this little freebie. Chris has made a couple of quickpages for you too! I have one in my newsletter that was sent out this morning; you can only get it by receiving my newsletter and I have decided to offer the newsletter freebies each newsletter through to the 1st week of the new year since everyone is so busy this month! Sign up for my newsletter on your right.
Here is the quickpage Chris made that's available only through my newsletter (the year date is left blank so you may add you own):
I sincerely hope you all are having a wonderful December no matter where you live and no matter which holiday this month you call your own!
Happy Holidays! |