The chubby legs are definitely a favorite.
A favorite spot of Anne's.
A great find at our library!
Gee, I never thought I'd miss a hand so much...
Definitely a favorite.
And the boys have gotten the camera!
Benny got Art-2 D-2 (an Origami Yoda book) a while back and loves it!! He has over 30 finger puppets now and he has decorated many of them differently. It's a fun collection and hobby for him.
I have sent the boys to the bus stop on their own only once. It was when Jane got up at the least convenient time and was ready to eat. Benny wants to go alone every day but Andy doesn't want to go "alone." Since it has been so cold I leave the girls and they watch us from the window. This day we were all watching the boys.
The boys made headsets out of their walky talkies and belts. Then they got straws to talk into for the mouthpieces. They didn't end up working all that well as you might imagine, but it was very inventive.
On her beautiful quilt from Grandma.