Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts

30 July 2012

Tired times

I'm not going to say I wish things were different. I know we made the decision to pursue this line of work. And I really don't wish they were different. But I am going to say it's hard. Spencer's schedule is really busy. 12- to 13-hour days in average (we are getting to the end of the month and August will bring us days of 5:30a to 6p consistently, so that will be nice - but then September will probably busier than July. But, "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." (New Testament, Matthew, Chapter 6) - so I'm trying not to borrow trouble!) It's really okay and we're all doing well. It's just really tiring. Especially when I've got a headache like now. And especially when we've been having 100+ degree days for some time and they're scheduled for the next 10 days. Forgive me, but i do wish that were different. We have several movie days in our near future, I think. We kicked it off with "Pirates of Penzance" after our trip to Sam's Club this morning. The kids really enjoyed it and I'm glad I finally showed it to them. I hope I hear that in the background much more.

And you know, things really are great. Just hot and tiring. But these kids are really fun.