Showing posts with label jane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jane. Show all posts

20 May 2016


Jane (“reading” her Miss Nelson books): “Hmmm... I think Miss Nelson went to Marsh...”

03 February 2016


Me: “Are you Santa Claus, Jane?”

Jane: “Nooo! Jesus is Santa Claus!!”

19 August 2015

Birthday girl!!

Jane is such a great girl. It has been so fun to watch her grow into a little girl. I'll be honest, at one point I was a little worried about Jane when she was quite little. She did not ever try to talk much. In our house, that is somewhat a cause for concern. Jane, however, is just fine. I think she is a bit of a perfectionist and was waiting until she could talk on her terms. And now, every day, she speaks more clearly and is so happy that she is able to communicate meanings. 

The birthday girl in the morning!

The day before Jane's birthday, Anne wanted to make something for Jane. We decided on a little doll house. I got an old box and covered it with felt. It turned out pretty cute. It reminded me of all of the diaper box projects I used to do for the boys. It's been a long time! And Jane loved it!

The birthday girl with her crown. 

With the fisher price zoo from Grandma and Grandpa. Definitely a favorite!

23 June 2015

Jane part 2

First braid. 

“Jane's drawer.”

Kicked out of her drawer. 

Looking grown up with pig tails!

One of my favorite things is to buy the $1 socks at target for the kids. They love them! My favorite pair ever are Janie's Halloween socks. I think these are so funny. 

This little girl (more than any of our other kids) loves, loves, loves the crocheted blankets from Grandma Lili (Bubbe). Jane has appropriated so many of these. As long as she has one, she is okay to sleep. 

22 June 2015

Jane and The Wagon

Jane is such a funny little girl. She definitely has a personality all her own. Life would be dull without our little Janie Bug. 

At the bottom of the pack 'n' play again. 

After bath time! I love these curls. 

It doesn't happen all that often, but she will sleep in the car sometimes. 

On our trips to the apple orchard I will usually let the kids each pick an apple to sample (I love that they have sample barrels out). Jane likes to eat her apples end to end. A couple of times she finished before I had a chance to stop her.

Early morning greetings. 

Enjoying the wagon from Grandma and Grandpa! Such a fun surprise to get in the mail!

Reading her favorite book. 

Out playing with the wagon box. This fun lasted for quite a while! Almost as fun as the wagon itself. 

Enjoying the swing set our neighbor Robin made for us. 

20 February 2015


I love that Jane shares with Chris. 

08 August 2014

First day of school

We now have three kids in school! I can hardly believe it. Benny, Andy, and Lilia have all been so excited to start school for pretty much the whole summer. 

I remembered to make signs as we were ready to head to the bus stop. It took four different markers to get them done since apparently all of ours are about out of ink. 

Janie gets to join us at the bus stop, now!

The day before school started, Spencer texted to suggest I take the little girls to the children's museum or the zoo on the first day of school. I knew I would need to do something, but, quite frankly, I did not want to set the bar too high!  We settled on a bike ride to the park. 

Janie's first ride on the merry-go-round. Despite what it looks like, she did love it. 

She also insisted on a solo ride on the "big girl swing."  This little girl thinks she is a big girl and ready to keep up with her big brothers and sisters! She's just about there, too. 

And this beautiful girl loves any chance to swing in the little kid swings. I don't ever put her in them, but she has a friend we met there to thank for this ride!

After getting home we had lunch followed by nap time for the three of us at home. Even Anne slept (I am hoping for more of that this year)!! I must say, it was a great first day of school for everyone!