Showing posts with label andy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label andy. Show all posts

31 July 2015

Andy's birthday

In our nine years of having kids, we have only ever had two birthday parties (the third coming up in a couple of weeks). We had one for Benny when he turned five and one for Andy when he turned seven this year. We are not anti-parties, though it may seem like it. Spencer and I decided a long time ago that we would have birthdays on odd birthdays. We do not feel like our kids need one every year and we liked the idea of odd years so that we can keep the 8th special with that being baptism year. What ended up happening is that we have skipped over all first birthdays. **NOTE — we always have a family birthday dinner with cake and presents.** Benny's first birthday was actually the day Spencer's youngest brother, Garrett, left for the MTC. Benny ate green beans for dinner while I was miserable on the couch with food poisoning and then Spencer shared some ice cream with Benny. We like to set the bar really low. 

This year Andy really wanted a party and kept asking about it. Actually, no real asking, but talking about it like it was going to happen. Spencer and I decided to make it happen. Very simply. 

Andy wanted four friends (one was not able to come) to come and watch “The LEGO Movie.” Easy enough. Oh, and cake and ice cream. He LOVED it!

Our group for the afternoon. One of the friends has a sister Lilia's age and we asked if she could stay, too. 

Andy, true to form, asked Grandma and Grandpa for a costume (that trend may have ended this year with him, actually). Luke Skywalker. And he's even got the haircut to match!

As soon alas he put his on Benny went to get in his Anikin Skywalker costume. These boys know more about Star Wars than I ever could have imagined. And I sill remember the first time I showed it to Benny. 

Anderson Clark is a mild-mannered boy who wants to do what is right. And wants everyone around him to do the right thing. One thing that impresses me so much about Andy is what he remembers. We talk about the gospel in our home regularly and he takes it all in! When we moved to Indiana, one of his new primary teachers (dear Kate Robertson who just moved away) told me that Andy always knew all the answers and that she was going to have to change the lessons around to make them a little more challenging for him! Something this mother loves to hear. 

Andy has always had a strong connection to his dad. It is so fun to see how excited Andy gets when Spencer gets home every day. I know he loves me — he shows me love — but the way this boy lights up for his dad is amazing. 

Happy Birthday, Andy! Seven looks good on you!


Andy: “I remember everything. ... Except what it's like to be in Mama's tummy.”

Anne: “Hale-you-la!!”

22 June 2015

TEAM Awards

Our elementary school does quarters awards for kids who exemplify a team spirit and always do their best. Andy and Lilia got one first quarter (at the same assembly, thank goodness!) and Benny second. It is always so nice to see how well our kids are doing. They are all great kids and they are loved by their teachers. I am so grateful for these great kids!


And Benny. 

I love this group of pictures. Such cute kids, but everybody has their moments!

14 November 2014

Community Helper

A while back Andy had community helper day. He was able to dress up like a doctor thanks to his dad!

Today he brought these papers home from school:

The paper says:
“If I could have any job in the community I would be a doctor. At my job I would help people feel better. I would help people by helping them. This is an important job because it is rely rely helpfol. Being a doctor would be helpful.”

And here is our future “rely helpfol doctor”:

08 August 2014

First day of school

We now have three kids in school! I can hardly believe it. Benny, Andy, and Lilia have all been so excited to start school for pretty much the whole summer. 

I remembered to make signs as we were ready to head to the bus stop. It took four different markers to get them done since apparently all of ours are about out of ink. 

Janie gets to join us at the bus stop, now!

The day before school started, Spencer texted to suggest I take the little girls to the children's museum or the zoo on the first day of school. I knew I would need to do something, but, quite frankly, I did not want to set the bar too high!  We settled on a bike ride to the park. 

Janie's first ride on the merry-go-round. Despite what it looks like, she did love it. 

She also insisted on a solo ride on the "big girl swing."  This little girl thinks she is a big girl and ready to keep up with her big brothers and sisters! She's just about there, too. 

And this beautiful girl loves any chance to swing in the little kid swings. I don't ever put her in them, but she has a friend we met there to thank for this ride!

After getting home we had lunch followed by nap time for the three of us at home. Even Anne slept (I am hoping for more of that this year)!! I must say, it was a great first day of school for everyone!

28 March 2014

February birthday catch-up: Andy

We had a fun day for Andy's sixth birthday! E did have school that day, but I think it was fun for him to go. For his birthday dinner Andy requested spaghetti with meatballs. “With real meat!” Benny called out from the other room after Andy made his decision. Yes, we had real meatballs. Next time, though, I need to add more breadcrumbs to help them stick a bit better. They were quite tasty, though. I also tried my hand at making French bread. That turned out quite well, also! It was a nice dinner. 

Opening and being excited about his Lego Star Wars set!

It doesn't look like it, but he does really love the Captain America and Iron Man action figures he got. 

Birthday cake with Optimus Prime and a small Bumblebee. 

The next day we went to The Children's Museum to celebrate Andy's birthday. One of the kids' favorite places. Here we are at the fossil digging section. 

Janie had a great time, too!

Benny and Andy were very good “helpers” in the playscape area for kids five and under. Since Andy was just older by a day I didn't have too much of a problem letting him play a little. He did keep coming to the edge of the climbing section to “check” on Anne who was playing in the sand section by me. 

Everybody loves making music!

Who doesn't love riding a carousel?!

We had a great celebration for Andy's birthday! Andy is great at being six. He loves to play with his siblings and is great at watching out for his younger sisters and making sure they don't get into things they shouldn't. Andy really enjoys being a kindergartener and is doing really well at school. He is loved by all who know him. Church included. 

I especially love that Andy is so tender-hearted. He cares about things. And he likes to feel secure. Benny would love it if he and Andy could go to the bus stop on their own every morning. They can, but Andy always asks that I go with them. I do almost every day. I know that some day that will stop. One of my favorite things is that sometimes when I am walking by Andy he will reach up to hold my hand. Another thing I know won't last forever. Nor should it. But that doesn't stop me from enjoying it when I get it. 

Happy Birthday, Andy Dandy Dooby Doo!!

10 March 2014

Lost tooth!