23 September 2017

thing 8

coming April 2018.

09 June 2017

There is no catching up

Unfortunately, the dream of catching up on this blog has died.  I am not sure about continuing it longer.  I love the idea of it, but I am not sure of the reality of it.  Thankfully I have kept up my daily (for the most part) journal-writing.

We are in full-blown summer mode.  I made a rough schedule for the kids every day.  We had our first "field trip" today to the library.  I kept it a surprise and new that most (if not all) would be excited.  They are almost all reading right now and it is wonderful.  We may need to take weekly trips there are do some field trips to more "fun" places (libraries are fun, aren't they?).

This summer is not a typical one.  Spencer and I submitted an offer on a house on our twelfth anniversary!  It was accepted that weekend and we are in the midst of inspection negotiations right now.  Some unexpected hiccups, but we anticipate that all will work out smoothly.

We are really excited about the house.  It is bit and beautiful!  The kids are all sad to "leave their friends behind," but they all love the house.  We had really been trying to find something in our current schools and in our current ward.  When I found this house online, though, the question that came to mind was: "Are you really willing to go where I want you to go?"  How could we argue with that?!  Spencer and I are both confident that things will work out just as they need to.

Some recent pictures:

Enjoying gorgeous weather outside.  Jane loves to take pictures.

Chris is our first ever to have a tick!  He threw up a few days later a few times so we went in to make sure he was okay.

He was okay.

Jane loves sitting in a booster seat in the van.
Oh, our VAN!!  After Joy was born in September we bought a 15-passenger van and we absolutely LOVE it!!

Spencer made a toy box bench to match the coffee table I made.
We so gratefully benefitted from a couple in our ward getting rid of a table saw and a band saw.  We have eagerly been putting them both to use and have become as handy as ever.  I bought a drill for us (the first in our marriage) and we have enjoyed adding to our arsenal of power tools.

View of the matching set.

Benny just completed 5th grade!!  He is a wonderful boy and a GREAT student!!  We are so excited to see what is in store for him in middle school.

Mother's Day.
I am beyond grateful for these seven who call me mom.

Andy at his "Immigration Station" for third grade.  He did a great job as a doctor on Ellis Island and was even used by the teacher as an example for how to speak for his part.

12th Anniversary Date!  Spencer got box seats from work for a couple of days before our birthday.  We had a great time and LOVED the view!

Rockstar day for Lilia.

Pictures at the temple!

Teacher gifts this year.  The kids were really excited for these signs we made.

Joy's first time in a swing!

Our bus driver gift.  Karl was the best and we will miss him after we move!

Benny and Andy got to participate in placing American flags by the gravestones of veterans.  It was a really neat experience.  I volunteered to drive and brought Joy along.  Another reason I love our van: I was able to drive 12 of us that Sunday morning.

Joy's new skills.  She is our earliest crawler (Legitimate crawling started one day before 6-months-old) and hasn't stopped since!

This is probably my favorite thing of late.  We are on our second brood of baby robins nesting under our master patio.  Did you know that robins can have three to four broods in a year?  And they mate for life?  (Thanks to Eden for that information!)  I have gone out several different times and gotten video through the slats in the patio.  This is just magical to me.  So incredible.

We went with some friends to the Missouri Botanical Gardens and fed the fish in the Japanese garden.  It was a beautiful day and we were glad to make use of our membership.

Lots of things not pictured (may never be).  Spencer started work at his new job last August.  He LOVES it and we are all so grateful!  He past his boards last August and he feels great about his oral board exam from last month.  It is amazing to see him progress.  It is still surprising to me that school and residency are over.  I am really grateful to be able to say that I really did enjoy those times, but I am also grateful that we do not have to go through that again!  Those years hold some of the hardest times of my life, but also the most rewarding.  God knew what I needed to grow up.  It was a good start for me and I am trying to continue!

Life is good.

20 May 2016


Jane (“reading” her Miss Nelson books): “Hmmm... I think Miss Nelson went to Marsh...”

29 February 2016

thing 7

coming September 2016.

to clear any confusion, see here, here, here, or here.

03 February 2016


Me: “Are you Santa Claus, Jane?”

Jane: “Nooo! Jesus is Santa Claus!!”

13 January 2016


Anne: "Why is Doctor Chilton [from "Pollyanna"] called Doctor Chilton?"
Me: "Because he's a doctor.  What do you think Dad is called at work?"
Anne: "Doctor Daddy!"

08 January 2016


Anne: “I can't believe that I'm a doctor. And I'm a good doctor!”

31 October 2015


Benny (on Bob Ross): “He's a pretty cool guy.”

22 September 2015


Me: “Is your face messy?”

Jane: “No, Anne's.”

21 September 2015


Anne (while watching "7 Brides for 7 Brothers"): “Mom, the only fun part about being married is kissing on the lips.”

08 September 2015

Connor Prairie

Chris sporting his bow tie onesie from my friend Elizabeth. The perfect choice for this little guy!

We do not go to Connor Prairie much in the summer because of how hot it gets outside. We went early May with some friends and had a nice time. It is always fun! Anne is petting a lamb that is only weeks old here. 

Photo bombed. 


Too bright. 

Group selfie. At least Chris' shoes made it. 

Beautiful girls. 

Benny in Cub Scouts

Benny earned a belt loop or two. It might be time to get him a belt. 

This boy loves being a part of Cub Scouts and it has been really good for him to help him come out of his shell a bit. Benny is so comfortable at home and will share lots of things. In public, however, he is much more guarded. We are so grateful for this program. It has been a great thing. 

07 September 2015

Anne and princesses

Anne is a wonderful girl. I think I have said that before. Just one of the many small things I love about Anne is that she regularly has multiple layers on. So much so that it looks strange when she only has on one layer. 

These pictures are some of my favorite of Anne. 

This was at our regional conference. It was broadcast to our building and we were way in the back. Thankfully I found some stickers in my purse. Saved! For a while. 

Princess dresses are always in fashion!

So are crowns. 

The best park-wear. 

And tree-climbing!