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Hello and welcome to my blog. Here I will be showcasing all my design team work, general crafting and digital scrap booking.I hope you enjoy seeing my creations and listening to my ramblings. If you leave a comment I'll know you've been and be able to visit you in return. I read and appreciate all comments which are left - good or bad! Thank you for taking the time to visit me. Pop back soon. Carol xx
Showing posts with label Heritage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heritage. Show all posts

Saturday, 24 October 2015


Good morning all.

Had to use NHS 24 for the first time last night for eldest whose latest tattoo has become infected! Have to say they were very civilised and efficient but a trip to Edinburgh at 3.10am in the morning hadn't figured in hubby's plans for the weekend!

Sharing some more of my family heritage today as I don't have any crafting I can share with you at the moment. I have finally located my maternal Grandfathers medals from WW1. Mum had a box of stuff which had come from her elder sister when she went into a home several years ago...Mum had never looked to see what was in the box and when I did I discovered two of the three medals!

Pip, Squeak but sadly Wilfred is missing although the ribbon is there. 
Pip is the special 1914 Star which was issued to those who served between August and November 1914. Grandad was in the Royal Fleet Auxillary and probably spent a great deal of the war at the Front...we're probably very lucky he came home alive (although he possibly thought differently). The medals have never been worn and I don't think Mum or her siblings ever knew of their existence as Grandad never spoke of the war to anyone. I'm hoping the other medal will turn up somewhere, meanwhile I need to get new ribbons as the originals are falling to pieces. I know we can get a replica made if the original isn't found but it won't be quite the same.

Not sure I'll get to keep these but for now I get to shine them up and restore them to their former glory.....Lest We Forget.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015


Good morning all.

Had my first reflexology massage yesterday and really enjoyed it...it was amazing what she could tell about me from my feet! Lunch was a bit of a disaster but in the end we only got charged for two glasses of Prosecco...we would rather the food have been good though! Not to worry it didn't spoil our afternoon.

M&S did spoil my evening though when they decided my spending patterns looked decidedly fraudulent and put a block on my card...despite being able to tell them all the transactions they were highlighting had been legitimately made by me they insisted my card had to be cancelled...I was furious!! Now I'll have to wait for the new card then start sorting out all the regular payments I make that will need changing....grrrr just what I needed NOT!

No crafting to share today, instead I thought I'd share the first of my heritage pieces with you. This belonged my Great Aunt and although I was her favourite and spent a lot of time with her when I was a child I didn't know it existed until several years after her death. My sisters and I argued over who was to have it when we first found out about it but they had to concede when my youngest sister pointed out that actually I had been the only one of us to like my Aunt so it really should go to me.

Anyway enough of the waffle...

Can you tell what it is yet?

Obviously rarely been played with!

In all it's glory....

As my Aunt was born in 1904 this has to be over 100 years old, there's no manufacturers name on it but on the label the word "Registered" is written in English and German suggesting it was made for both markets and most likely before the First World War. Sadly there's no one left to tell us any more about it now but it will continue to be treasured as my Aunt had so obviously treasured it.

Now just got to find a way to display it to it's best advantage in our new house...it's spent too long wrapped in brown paper and hidden away in a wooden chist.

Have a good day...housework beckoning here again!