是集设计,织造和销售于一体的专业生产高档沙发面料的意大利公司。迄今已有30多年的历史,占地面积达到25,000MQ。公司一直致力于新产品的开发研制,并拥有自己的品牌LEOPOLDOGIULIANI和NOVATEX。公司以不断推陈出新和提供高品质的面料而深受客户的好评。产品更是远销世界各地。NOVATEX是一个以时尚现代为主流兼顾古典与奢华的高档沙发面料品牌。立足于“国际著名、国内一流”市场定位,各款产品均有自主知识产权,并通过公司实验室针对于沙发面料的全面物理和化学性能测试。标准化的测试报告让每一款产品都有了量化的技术指标,从而使客户对品质更加放心。更好的满足各国客户的要求,NOVATEXS。P。A在中国投资成立了诺华(杭州)纺织有限公司。诺华(杭州)纺织有限公司拥有自己的测试和检验中心,严格控制出厂的每一米面料。更拥有一批认真负责的客服人员,为客户提供更快捷,更优质的服务。诺华(杭州)纺织有限公司愿与中外客户携手合作,共创美好未来。NOVATEX s。p。a which is one of the famous Italian design, production and marketing in a body specialized in high end sofa fabric manufacturers。 So far, more than 30 years of history, covers an area of reach 25000 SQM。 The company has been committed to the development of new products。 And to have their own brands NOVATEX and LEOPOLDO GIULIANI。The company's continuable innovation and beyond the water industry with high-quality goods and fabrics has very good praised by the client's。 Products are exported to the rest of the world。To better meet the requirements of all customers, NOVATEX s。p。a investments in China set up the Novatex (Hangzhou) Textile Co。, Ltd。Novatex (Hangzhou) Textile Co。, Ltd。 Regards the original Italian design as the pilot, strictly in the same production process and quality standard as italy headquarter indicators made in ChinaThe rapid formation of a "new design; good quality; best service" as the core value of China's domestic first-class brand。Novatex is willing to join hands with all the customers for a better future