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    • 企业名称
    • 斯派莎克工程(中国)有限公司 
    • 联系地址
    • 上海闵行区浦江高科技园区新骏环路800号(靠近八号线江月路站) 
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    • 浏览次数
    • 521次
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    • 私营企业 
    • 企业规模
    • 10人以下 
    SpiraxSarco provides professional knowledge and solution for steam and thermal users all over the world. It helps you to improve equipment performance and system efficiency observably, and save energy to achieve sustainability target.Spirax Sarco was founded in 1888 and built in Cheltenham UK in 1937. The group company joined in London stock market in 1959, and keep outstanding performance every year.
    SpiraxSarco Engineering (China) Co., Ltd. was established in 1995 in Shanghai. Now Spirax Sarco engineering involves two business.
     Spirax Sarco Engineering Steam Business - We focus on promote effective application and control of steam, hot water, compressed air and other industrial fluid in China. We have 41 sales and service offices national wide. Chinese customers build or update their steam systems with SpiraxSarco techniques and products, which improve system efficiency and save energy. SpiraxSarco is recognized as steam experts for steam and thermal system.
    Watson Marlow Fluid Technology Group – Offer niche peristaltic pumps and associated fluid path technologies for the food, pharmaceutical, chemical and environmental industries. Comprising ten established brands, each with their own area of expertise, but together offering our customers solutions for their pumping and fluid transfer applications.

    We possess a talent, acute, ambitious and vigorous team. We are sincerely expecting your join-in.
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    客服手机:18358336524 客服电话:4008877287 客服QQ:842549 客服微信:18358336524 QQ群号:231513
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