德州市经济技术开发区 双福大道北首
  • 当前位置:平邑人才网德州海天机电科技有限公司
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    • 企业名称
    • 德州海天机电科技有限公司 
    • 联系地址
    • 德州市经济技术开发区 双福大道北首 
    • 联 系 人
    • 崔女士 
    • 浏览次数
    • 3393次
    • 企业性质
    • 私营企业 
    • 企业规模
    • 10人以下 
    德州海天机电科技有限公司成立于1997年,是一家专业生产混凝土预制构件成型设备、墙板成型设备的现代化高新技术企业。历经17年的发展和创新,如今海天公司已拥有国内高级技术工程师与欧洲专业研发团队组成的国际化研发中心,技术水平居世界前沿。并与国内外多家高校及科研院所合作,共同对装配式节能环保型住宅的工业化、产业化发展进行深入的研究开发。 公司已获得二十多项专利技术,有过硬的产品质量。产品已通过ISO9001质量体系认证和欧盟的CE认证,并连续多年被“中国企业品牌评价中心”和“中国中小企业名牌培训委员会”评价为“中国质量诚信AAA级品牌企业”重点推广单位;被“中国混凝土与水泥制品协会”评为预制混凝土构件分会的副理事长单位;被山东省技术监督局评为“产品质量信得过单位”;被德州市人民政府评为“德州市高新技术企业”。 Dezhou Haitian Electromechanical Technology Co。, Ltd。 was founded in 1997。 We’re the Leading Expert in China for manufacturing series machines∕machine lines for producing precast concrete components, such as Precast Slipformer Machine Line∕Precast Concrete Hollow core slab machine∕ Precast Wall panel machine∕Prestressed concrete beam making machine∕T beam and H column Producing machine, etc。Our Engineering Group is composed of senior engineers from Italy and China, that assures the quality and technology of our machines to be the world-class advanced level。 In Asia, Haitian is the only one factory which can manufacturing the Precast Concrete Elements Slipformer Machine Lines。 Haitian has acquired more than 20 kinds of Patent Right Certificates, together with ISO9001:2000 and CE Certificates。 We are also the Vice Presidential Enterprises of “China National Precast Concrete and Cement Products Association ”By the end of last year, Haitian has occupied 68% of the Domestic Market in China, and exported to 65 countries in Europe, South Asia, East Asia, Middle East, Africa, North America and South America, more than 200 sets of machines∕machine lines。Haitian is not only an Expert of Manufacturing Precast Concrete Elements producing machinery, but also the Expert of offering Turnkey Solutions for setting up different Precast Concrete Elements Factories。Your satisfaction is our unremitting pursuit!
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    客服手机:18358338450 客服电话:4008877287 客服QQ:20098640 客服微信:18358338450 QQ群号:231513
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