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    • 当前位置:巫山招聘网重庆南岸区新思维培训学校
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      Chongqing New thinking training school looking for one native Oral English teacher ,British or American preferred。Monthly salary: 12000 rmbBenefits: Enjoys the same benefits with Chinese teachershelp get working visa if sign long-term contractFestival: Enjoys the same Festival with Chinese teachers,as well as one-day Christmas holiday。Providing business insurance : yesWork requirement:The teacher shall complete the following tasks according to the school’s requirement:Teaching English in the center or onlineDesign teaching plans with our teacher for each semesterShare teaching experience with the Chinese teachers (within the normal teaching hours)Starting time: AugustTeaching Location: Sanya, HainanGender and Age: ××× or ××× both okage from 20 to 40Position: Oral English teacherWorking time: 5 days a weekThe normal working time each day is from 9:00-12:00,14:00-18:00。Student Grade: Grade 1--Grade 9;Student's age: 7-16 years oldcontact :if you are qualified and interested, add wechat : xubuxukevemj123call :15608330871 Cory15608331873 Bruce
      • 企业联系方式
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      • 重庆南岸区新思维培训学校 
      • 联系地址
      • 南坪步行街庆隆商厦4楼(老区府对面) 
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      客服手机:18358338450 客服电话:4008877287 客服QQ:20098640 客服微信:18358338450 QQ群号:231513
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