Showing posts with label buttons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label buttons. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Paper Bird Wreath

One of the treasures I brought home from Carole's Christmas shop
 at Maynard Greenhouse was a Wendy Addison,
 beautiful wire wreath with cut out birds.

I have been playing with it...creating different vignettes.
You know how that goes...
...shouldn't I be wrapping presents? baking cookies? organizing and cleaning out?

Here it is sitting on this vintage mirror plateau...
...but it is just as pretty hanging on the wall.
It can be kept out all year long...not just at Christmas.

So pretty!

OK....back to work, Laura!


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Every Little Thing

I have an ever growing appreciation for the little things...
...and am determined to make each moment count!

Texture background by Kim Klassen...

Spending time with my parents at the lake these last summer days...
...I am so appreciative of this gift of time...

It was a beautiful weekend here in the mountains...
I hope the week ahead brings all good things!


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Breathe Deep, Talk Slow

Breathe deep,

Talk slow...

Give big,

Take less...

Don't count,

Just guess.

Touch kind,

Act fair...

Plan bold,

Try prayer...

Do peace,

Dream far.

Feel loved,

You are!

My friend Pat sent me a sweet note and this little poem was included...
...thought I would share it with you!

Thank you Pat!

I hope you are having a good weekend!

Browsing about early this Sunday I came across Tracey's Words to Live By post on her blog Notes from a Cottage Industry. Click on over to see what others are sharing!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Aqua blues

While browsing at Gather in Ivoryton, CT. last Friday, I spied these two vintage Guerlain perfume boxes on a bookshelf. I loved the look of the old boxes and when I peeked inside they were full of old buttons including the two aqua ones above and some pretty mother of pearl beauties.

When I asked as to the price....
...Deanna said that she wanted to GIVE them to me!
I'm a lucky girl!
I didn't even really look at all the tiny treasures inside until after the weekend was over and I had time.... know what pure delight that look through a box of old buttons!
Thank you Deanna!

Another interesting object I found at Gather was this old wooden board with the letters of the alphabet next to a series of holes...It was labeled a seed rack or sorter. I have no idea if that is what it was used for but the color of the paint and of course the letters attracted me to it.

Love my old canning jars, most came from my Nana's farmhouse.
I have lots of different ones and colors...
Here are a few aqua blues...

Playing with my blue and aqua papers...

The pretty blue bottle was a dollar at Brimfield.
The ribbon and starfish came from a gift wrapped package from Taken For Granite in Stony Creek...
...another one of our favorite shops.

And that's all I've got tonight!
Thank you for all your prayers and good thoughts for my Mom. I appreciate it so much.

Kate and her really cute and very sweet boyfriend came for a few hours this afternoon. It is always fun to have them around...they are both artists and have developed a taste for vintage...
It's fun to share my collections with them!

Have a good night and hope your Friday is a fun one!

Monday, May 17, 2010

A Few Favorite Brimfield Finds

My first favorite find was this Victorian era black transferware pot lid and base.
I love, love, love the graphics...

Next, Paula and I spent a long while in the booth of a lovely French woman who had wonderful things...I bought this tiny blue enamel mold (the tiny tin rabbit mold was already mine). She had other tiny blue enamel pieces and I wish now that I had purchased them all.
...don't you just love that sweet little blue dish?

From the same French vendor, I bought the old glass yogurt jar on the left and the two tiny antique cupping jars on the right.
... I can use them as itty bitty cloches!

Paula and I bought all four of these tall antique French canning jars...
We loved the old rusty mechanism...

From a different vendor, I found these two metal delegate badges that were from annual Operative Potters conventions.... says Buffalo, NY where Dan is finishing up law school and the other says, Chicago, Illinois where my sister Lynn also has a 52 on it...
...I just liked the look of them!

OK, this is where the Jar Fashion Show begins...

I was so taken with my 2 antique jars....(Paula kept the other 2)
...I played around with filling them...

I don't want to keep latching and unlatching the rusty workings of the lid ... I am waiting till I decide what to keep in them....
...before I close it up tight!

OK, that was least for me!
I still haven't tried black and white dominoes or spools of thread or tin types or dice or millinery flowers or....
...what would you put in them?

More finds to come...
...also photos from Gather...a wonderful shop in Ivoryton, CT...
...and a few pictures from Paula's gorgeous gardens and home!

Have a good night and a great Tuesday!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Button Therapy

Raining outside
Sorting buttons
Listening to music
Reading a lot
Napping a little
Visiting family
Eating together
Comfy and cozy

How was your Sunday?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Colors of Spring...Fresh and New

This morning brought more sunshine and perfect spring temperatures...
Walking out back I couldn't help but notice the yellows and light greens of early spring...

...everything fresh and new...
...another new beginning.

...a lovely way to start the day!

At the flea market last weekend I bought a huge box of buttons...
...which I emptied into this glass jar...

There are really some beautiful and interesting buttons here...
...I started to sort through them...
...but soon realized that I could spend hours sorting and playing with these buttons... I decided to put them aside for a rainy day...

We are so fortunate to have won tickets to the Metropolitan Opera at Lincoln Center and tomorrow we will see Rossini's Armida.
I have not been to the opera before but look forward to the experience....
Rob, a musician and singer is very excited to be able to see and hear Renee Fleming who has the starring role.
...another new experience...
New beginnings are exciting!

I hope your Friday brings something fresh and new!