New Year

 It's been a few months and lots has happened, firstly Caz is doing very well, the first part of the treatment, the operation, went very well and she has made a great recovery, the next part, radiotherapy starts soon and should not take long then its just tablets for 10 years.

I had the misfortune to catch Covid in the run up to Christmas, the main illness was just like a bad hangover, but the lingering effects are taking a toll of me, with a shortness of breath and lack of energy.

We did manage to get away just after Christmas to Cornwall, see the picture above.

The reason I am blogging today is that I have just done a video for next months calendar page/photo, and had to look at the first blog post, it then got me all nostalgic. I really miss those days, there was a community of like minded souls, and I forgot how much I miss them. It's been over 10 years since I did this on a regular basics, and that group of people have for the most part done what I have done and drifted away from Blogging.


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