Showing posts with label upcycled. Show all posts
Showing posts with label upcycled. Show all posts

Fun Trend

Have you seen those funky pieces of jewelry out there? The ones made with discarded silverware? I love them!

Spoon Ring by SilverSpoonDesigns
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Fork Bracelet by MarchelloArtImage Hosting by

Monogrammed Vintage Spoon Bracelet by BentSpoonJewelry
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Amazing fork cuff by forkwhisperer
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Another beautiful spoon ring, this one by goorsendjewelry
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Spoon Earrings by jjevensen
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Jingle BellZ Knife Necklace by SpoonerZ
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Etsian of the Week: TheWindyHill

It's been a while since I've done an Etsy post, so why not start up again by featuring my mom's new shoppe? Before starting out on Etsy, she sold quality, handmade clothing for Himstedts, as did I. You can still buy a few of her ensembles here {KinderCottageKeepsakes}, as well as see past creations.

Her new venture on Etsy is made up mostly of handmade, anime-style, felt dolls. We have decided they are so weird that they're pretty cute! She also sells upcycled rings made with vintage earrings and buttons, plus fabric covered button earrings. So stop by and look around. She'll have new items up soon! :)


Wow, I've been very silent in the blogging realm lately. Between finishing and listing a couple of things, my regular work schedule at a local boutique, shopping in the city for my sister's b-day, trying out some new items for the shoppe, and just plain laziness............I have not made the time that I should. I apologize to any regular readers. But I promise to try and do better this week!

For lack of anything prepared, I am going to showcase a really neat idea that my friend, Sasha from thegildedbee, just posted on her blog.
{I know, I know...........I'm such a cheater}

Here are a few photos of Sasha's homeade, vintage bookcover postcards. Click here to see how she did it. :)

3/20/09 ~*~ Featured Etsian ~*~ Necessityisthemother

This week I chose Necessityisthemother as my featured Etsian. This shop has been one of my favorites since I first started on Etsy. Every garment is made from second hand fabrics, and most feature some adorable/unique detailing. Arielle (beautiful name, too) is also being featured on Etsy's home page today, so be sure to check out her interview here!

"Sweet Anarchy Dress"
My all-time favorite............just look at those darling details!!!!

"Spring Dream Pinafore"

"Purple Wink Pinafore"
Cute, cute, cute!

"Night Bloom Pinafore"

"In My Pocket Skirt"

"Good Cook Pinafore"