Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts

And the winner is..........


Thank you to the three who entered! It was a small entry number, but it's only my first giveaway. :) You've got to start somewhere. ;-P

Enjoy the necklace, Jean!

Another GildedBee Giveaway!

Sasha is really going at it! Another giveaway from the lovely blog IAmTheBee. :) Click here to enter!

Another Giveaway!

Sasha has been busy this week! She is hosting another giveaway here: LostAndFawned

Giveaway Goodness

My friend, Sasha, from TheGildedBee is having a giveaway!
Check it out here: IAmTheBee

The first GildedBee giveaway! :D :D

My good friend Sasha is hosting her very first giveaway on her own blog, iamthebee! Check it out and have 4 chances to win, but the giveaway ends March 27th, so hurry!

New Giveaway on OhHelloFriend!

"Fly Away With Me" necklace by YellowGoat

Check out this sweet little giveaway on ohhellofriend, hosted by YellowGoat. Just visit ohhellofriend and post a comment with your favorite piece from Petula's shoppe; you'll automatically be entered to win a $30 gift certificate! But hurry, the final entries are due before Jan. 25th!


There's a neat giveaway going on at TellLove&Chocolate

My good friend thegildedbee, and another neat Etsian (prettytape) are the sponsors. So head on over and check out their cute, cute, cute items.........and enter to win!


Here's a new blog that my good friend Sasha told me about:

Chelsea is giving away a bunch of goodies this week! So be sure to check them's so easy to enter. And while you're there, feel free to look around her blog; she has some reall cute posts. :-D

Picnic Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

Picnic Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

Simply Beautiful! Hope I win!


There's a great new giveaway going on at oh, hello friend. Check it out here!