This past weekend was pretty fun! Todd and I have been doing a lot of remodeling around the house! We even bought a few new things and sold some old ones. We bought a new bookshelf for our bedroom that is way cute! The fun part was putting it together and seeing my hubby be the Handy-Man! We usually joke that I am the one who does all the handy work around the house... but now that his health is improving he is feeling up to it! I did jab him in the ankle, leg, and hand while putting it maybe next time he will want to do it without me :(
It has been nice changing things around. It has put me in the mood to do some Spring Cleaning! I finally went through my clothes and shoes and got rid of things that I never wear but always hold on to! So it feels good to have a clean closet... now I just need to do some shopping to make up for it!!! Not really Todd.... Don't worry :)

On Saturday my office had a booth set up at the Provo High Wedding Expo! Our little booth was actually pretty dang cute considering we are an OB/GYN office! We had a lot of fun! I took a couple pictures while we were there but I should have taken more!
I luckily had my camera to take a picture of the CELEBRITY that was at the Expo. That's right, my fellow friends of
Jim Halpert was in Provo checking out wedding stuff!!

OK... not really but doesn't the guy in the background look just like JIM? And if you look closely, you can even see
Andy on the right! Haha! Ashley was just my lovely model while I took the snapshot! She could be a celebrity too!

Me, Kara & Ash
(Thanks for stopping by to say Hello Kara! We miss you!!)