Saying goodbye to gramma and gramps in Reno.
Road trip shenanigans.
Fifi photo. Dinner entertainment.
Being adorbs.
Fifi photos in Eugene, OR
Violinist at the exit.
Yum. First night here celebration at a great spot.
Narrows Bridge from Titlow Park.
We are aettling in and getting unpacked. Andy has started work and O. Starts school today. Finding routine and the new normal.
Lots if getting lost and turned around as I try to find the grocery stores and has stations. Lots of exploring and playing by the water.
The sun has been out for the past two days and Mount Rainer room my breath away when I spotted it for the first time.
My plants and skin are so happy with the extra moisture in the air.
It's all new and will take a but of time to settle in with a routine, but it's exciting.
We miss everyone in Reno, so come visit us soon!!!