Showing posts with label kit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kit. Show all posts

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Słodka kartka urodzinowa - Sweet nameday card

Witam serdecznie.
Najwyższy czas zostawić świąteczne klimaty, dlatego dziś wykonałam dla Was słodką różowo-miętową kartkę okolicznościową.
 Poza papierem Olgi wykorzystałam kilka elementów ze ślubnego kitu. 
Kartkę lekko musnęłam farbką brokatową i chlapnęłam białym Splashem, który uwielbiam w takich delikatnych romantycznych pracach .
Today I made a sweet pink and mint card. 
I used Olga's paper and some elements from a Wedding Kit.
 I added some glitter paint and white SPLASH ink- I love using it in romantic projects. 
I hope I inspired you 

W pracy użyłam/ I used

Wszystkiego dobrego w Nowym Roku dla Was Kochani.
Pozdrawiam i do następnego spotkania.
Happy New Year to all of you and see you next time. :)

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Melenia plays with the Romantic Garden kit

Good morning everyone!

Melenia here today with a page made with the awesome 13 Arts "Romantic Garden" kit!

I created my layout in a very "mixed-media" way! I played with almost every kind of 13 Arts media
and I had a blast!! 

As you see, I have used gesso, modelling paste, mists, acrylic paints, glitter and splash inks!
Yes, I did overdo it!

The majority of the embellishments can be found at the Romantic Garden kit, so if you buy it, you will have so much yummy stuff to play with!

A few details of my page

For your information, the set includes 7 papers (3x13 arts from the collection of Frosted Life + 4xScrapberrys), Mini mist Ayeeda Pastel Pink (15ml), Farbka Ayeeda White Paint (22ml), Set of roses, 6 pink twigs, Feathers blue, two types of string, white lace, tulle, pink stripe beads, large white leaf, flower material, mini envelope white, white feathers. In addition, creative silver wire, which can be arranged in any shape!

Products used:

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Love... by Kasia Bogatko

dzisiaj mam dla Was inspirację, która powstała głównie z kitu "Autumn time". Tło mojej pracy to koronki, gaza i tiul, wszystko potraktowane żel medium, gesso i mgiełkami.

Today I have for you inspiration, created mainly from the kit "Autumn time". Background of my project is lace, gauze and tulle, all covered with gel medium, gesso and mists.

Ayeeda Chalk Mist - Yellow Amber
Splash! Ink - Black, White