Showing posts with label gesso. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gesso. Show all posts

Friday, 18 December 2020

Christmas ATC


The Holidays are on our doorstep and everyone is busy getting ready. There is a hustle-bustle in the kitchen, the noise of children fills the air, however I'm in my room working in peace and quiet while listening to some nice music - this way I can chill and enjoy what I'm doing.
These wonderful petite ATC cards may be gift tags as well. These are tiny marvels which required so much attention to detail and properly done layering. 
You might want to make one for your own pleasure while getting into the cheerful Christmas mood. 

I'm wishing you All a Very Merry Christmas!

Products what i used:

We'd like to encourage you to show us your projects!
You can share them in our ARTelier FB Group
You can also tag us on Instagram (@13arts).

Thank you for watching :)

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Create Art - Art Journal pages


dziś pojawiam się z kolejnym art journalowym wpisem. Tym razem poszalałem nieco z mediami, więc będzie nieco bałaganiarsko.


today I show up with another art journal pages. This time I was a bit crazy with the paints so it will be a bit messy

Po zagessowaniu tła użyłem farb akrylowych w kolorze niebieskim i czerwonym nakładając je płaskim pędzlem silikonowym.  Na to dodałem wzory z masek oraz stemple.

After covering the background with white gesso I used blue and red acrylic paints, applying them with a flat silicone brush. For this I added patterns from masks and stamps.

Kolejnym krokiem była zabawa z kawałkami papieru, które ułożyłem warstwowo. Dodałem do kompozycji nieco czarnej nitki i skrzydła wycięte z folii, które zawsze pasują do wszystkiego.

Po dodaniu napisów postanowiłem wszystko nieco przyciemnić przy użyciu czarnej farbki akwarelowej dość mocno rozwodnionej.

The next step was to play with pieces of paper that I put in layers. I added a bit of black thread to the composition and wings cut from foil, which always go with everything.

After adding the inscriptions I decided to darken everything a bit using a rather diluted black watercolor paint.

Produkty: / Products:




Monday, 13 July 2020

Down Under cards with Andra

Hello There!  

 I hope everyone is having a great summer time! This time i have prepared couple of cards dedicated to Australia. Love- love- love the koalas !💓

Materials used: 
Ayeeda 3d powder ( flakes.)

XoXo. Andra aka. Paperimirri

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

ATC just for fun

Hello there, / Dear All,

Have you seen our super InstaHop game yet? You will find more details about it here:

My recent creation was inspired by the world of Vintage.

In step one, I sprinkled some watercolors on a Kraft cardboard. I cut the cards to the right size and I rounded the corners.

I did splatter some Distress ink on the surface and in the following stem i wad stamping, 
by applying golden embossing powder

I darkened the cards' sides using the same inks.

They are already marvelous!

I was experimenting with different paper pieces, then I dipped a sponge into white gesso and smeared it over the cards.

The next step was layering and stenciling.

I sprayed them with various mists.

I applied cut-outs and paper flowers as well.

I used the inevitable white splash ink and finally the decorative sprinkles to make it complete.  

Making and exchanging these little cards gives us so much joy 😊

Monday, 3 February 2020

Take time to smell the roses - layout by Aida

Hello lovely people, 
today I want to show my my Layout I have created with my newest Rosalie collection. 
I created this simple page and made a video tutorial as an inspiration for a challenge site
I just love this collection, as it is so versatile and easy to work with. 
I have also used new color glow paints, they will be available in the store today :)   

Zapraszam dziś do obejrzenia video tutorialu, który przygotowałam dla nomadicsouldiaries
Pracowałam na mojej najnowszej kolekcji Rosalie, jest po prostu piękna, bardzo łatwa w pracy oraz uniwersalna do wielu projektów. Tutaj w pastelowej odsłonie, a aby kolory pasowały do palety, dodałam niebieskie magnolie z kolekcji Blue Magnolia, a w tle pojawiają się nowe kolory farb Color glow, dostępne już od dziś w sklepie:)

Video tutorial:

I used:
