Showing posts with label chipboards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chipboards. Show all posts

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

For you and Love cards by Bellaidea


Witam bardzo jesiennie!

Kolorami z pieknych kolekcji sprobuje dodac nieco  radosci do tegorocznej jesieni...

Druga kartka jus w delikatniejszych, bardziej pastelowych kolorach ale oczywiscie motyle i kwiaty z kolekcji nadal tutaj pasuja.

13arts products"

Kolekcja "Sunrise"

Folia - Transparency SUNRISE


Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Travel album

Hey! I created a traveling album for you today from the new Travel The World collection.
We don’t have the chance to travel now. We have to stay home!
But we will be able to collect experiences soon again.
Until that, we have some time to create albums about past holidays, trips and adventures. Take care!

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Nieco rdzawo / A little bit rusty

Cześć wszystkim,

ostatnio coraz częściej bawię się mediami nie mając żadnego konkretnego planu co do efektu końcowego. Dlatego też zaczynam sięgać po kolory, których normalnie unikam. W tej pracy jest to czerwień.

Hello everyone,

recently, I am playing with the media more and more often without any specific plan regarding the final result. That's why I'm starting to reach for the colors I normally avoid. In this work it is red.

Po stworzeniu kompozycji i pomalowaniu jej na czarno zdecydowałem się dodać do niej nieco rdzy. W tym celu wymieszałem multipurpose medium z proszkiem do rdzewień. Taką pastę nałożyłem palcem w wybranych miejscach i polałem reagentem. Zostawiłem na noc do wyschnięcia.

After creating the composition and painting it in black, I decided to add some rust to it. To this end, I mixed a multipurpose medium with rust powder. I applied this paste with my finger in selected places and poured with reagent. I left to dry overnight.

Następnego dnia postanowiłem dodać pracy nieco koloru i wybrałem czerwień. Użyłem do tego dwóch farb - Color Glow fire opal wymieszanej z ciekłym medium akrylowym oraz farby metalicznej raspberry. 

The next day I decided to add some color to my work and chose red. I used two paints - Color Glow fire opal mixed with liquid acrylic medium and raspberry metallic paint.

Dodałem też kilka tekturek pokolorowanych wodnym tuszem w odcieniu scarlet. Przyciemniłem jej kolor za pomocą tuszu Distress vintage photo i pokreyłem glossy accent. By nie były zbyt błyszczące użyłem farb Vivid vintage i dodałem je matując powierzchnię. Nieco brązów dodałem też na samej pracy. 

I also added some chipboards colored with water ink scarlet. I darkened its color with Distress Ink vintage photo and highlighted glossy accent. To make them not shiny, I used Vivid vintage paints and added matting the surface. I also added some bronze for the work itself.

Produkty: / Products:




Sunday, 2 February 2020

Happiness on the beach by Agnieszka Bellaidea

Travel the world , what a fantastic collection by Aida!
She really was working hard to please all of us. Yes, I mean you and me too.
I got new collections /do you know all of them by now? / just before Creativeworld 2020 and all I can tell you it was FUN to work with them!

New foils, stencils and stamps are just wonderful!

Ephemera helps us to make our pages or cards more atractive , a specially when we have a problem with fussy cutting .

I like to mix new and old foils, at least when I still have older foils   at my desk and a little help little of ...

Thank you for looking! Have a great Sunday!

Agnieszka Bellaidea 

13arts products:

Kolekcja "Travel the world"

Monday, 28 October 2019

They are like peas in a pod

When I had the two boys only, I’ve already started to put some clothes away after Boti, so Marci could wear them as well.  Then later on, these pieces were worn by Csana and Bogi too.  People always say our kids look so much alike. Well, they might be right.
These four little turtles do look similar too, as they are laying on a tap-sofa.

The page was installed quite fast but I wasn’t satisfied with it. 
The overall picture became more exciting by using layers, sheets of gauze and stickers.

Products what i used:

Stickers A5 His&Hers remastered

We'd like to encourage you to show us your projects!
You can share them in our ARTelier FB Group
You can also tag us on Instagram (@13arts).

Thank you for watching :)

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Memories - layout by Aida

Today I want to share with you my memory from one of my favorite places on Earth. I miss Australia every day, so I have a lot of layout with photos form my last trip:) I mixed few paper collections, together with chipboards I bought in Australia - which scrapper wouldn't buy something in a craft store :) 

Dziś chciałabym podzielić sie z Wami wspomnieniami z jednego z moich ukochanych miejsc na Ziemi. Australia ma swoje stałe miejsce w moim sercu, dlatego to pewnie nie ostanie zdjęcie i nie ostatni layout z mojego ostatniego pobytu tam;) Zmieszałam papiery z kilku kolekcji i dodałam kupione w Australii tekturki - która skraperka odmówiłaby sobie chociaż małych zakupów w sklepie kraftowym? ;) 

Some details:

I used 13 arts products:


Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Create without limits - mini album by Szandra

I brought you a tiny album today, which is the apple of my eye - from the "Blue Magnolia" set.
It happens quite often that we're lacking inspiration or our well of ideas is getting dry.  It happened to me as well. A big pile of photos are waiting to be worked with , while my time is becoming more and more limited because of my four children. Sometimes I feel I get lost in everyday life....
After the first round of panic, I start creating. This time, for myself and for those who would do with a bit of encouraging and impulse on those days when inspiration isn't finding its way to us and everything seems to be even more challenging.

Soon I got carried away by the freedom of creation. Many tools found their way from the self into my hands: new stamps, stencils, beloved mists and beautiful papers.

Here is the end result: