Showing posts with label Starlight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Starlight. Show all posts

Friday, 24 March 2017

Amazing | Terhi Koskinen

Hey all!

Terhi here today to inspire you with my amazing rainbow. Last fall I saw this magnificent rainbow whilst driving home, I had stop and take a photo as the golden field was screaming to be scrapped with golden splashes.

To be honest, that happens a lot. To see something and already knowing which products and colors to use to scrapbook it. Am I alone with this, does it happen to you too?

I started the layout by drawing triangles on the background by using one of our stencils (Color Basic - Triangles). Then used another stencil (Figures) to add modelling paste through.

To spread the 'fall' all over the layout I used my big shot to cut some leaves out of Starlight collection papers. They match so well to this golden theme, and the gold highlights the rainbow colors in the photograph.

Terhi xx

13arts products:

Friday, 27 January 2017

Tomorrow | Terhi Koskinen


Terhi here with a layout reminding me about one of the best things happened in 2016 - my journey to Poland and Mixed Media pARTy!
I took this photograph through car window while we were traveling to the mountains, to the place where both MMP and MMP2 were kept. Did you know we have a new plan for this this year?
Yes we do, so mark your calendars to 16th-18th June 2017 and hope over to Mixed Media pARTy blog to find out more!

This layout continues the warm colors from the photograph. There's mix of papers from multiple collections like Out of the Blue, Winter Tales and Starlight. These three collections are designed by fabulous Olga Heldwein, and mixing the collections is easy.

The title is a chipboard word and I added very thick layer of Glitter Gold Splash! Ink on top.

If you're wondering about the background, there's Tattered Circles stencil used with mix of golden Shiny Powder and Gel medium.
I hope this inspires you!

Thank you for stopping by!

Terhi xx

13arts products:

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Moments - a layout by Guest Designer Natalya Trofimova

Nasza utalentowana Gościnna Projektantka - Natalya Trofimova wraca z kolejnym pięknym layoutem! Możecie też śledzić jej profil na instagramie: @martynatalya

Our talented GD - Natalya Trofimova is back with another beautiful layout! You can also follow Natalya on her Instagram @martynatalya


Natalya Trofimova

I love using glitter and embellishment and I'll show on my layout, how it can be effectively applied! 

I worked on a black background, covering it with a clear gesso. 

Layout shines with the shiny powder, which is nicely mixed with paint.

Product List: 


Dziękujemy Natalya za Twój piękny projekt!
Thank you Natalya for your beautiful project! 

Thursday, 8 September 2016

CSI Case 211 by Marta

Dziś chciałabym pokazać mój layout inspirowany mapką z najnowszego wyzwania CSI, gdzie 13arts gości w tym miesiącu :) Wyzwanie ma dość surowe wytyczne- trzeba użyć zarówno mapki jak i palety kolorów a także konkretnych elementów. Trudne wyzwania są najlepsze! 

Today I'd like to show you my layout inspired by the sketch from CSI Challenge where 13arts is a Guest this month :) The challenge is very strict- you have to use colour palette, sketch and some elements. The challenging challenges are the best! 

I kilka szczegółów. Muszę przyznać, że uwielbiam urocze małe, brokatowe gwiazdki! Są idealne do każdego rodzaju projektów. 

And here are some details. I must admit that I fell in love in cute little glitter stars! They are very great for all kind of projects.

Product List:

Saturday, 9 July 2016

The Night Sky - a layout by Marta Debicka

Dzisiaj chciałabym Wam pokazać swój layout. Papier z kolekcji Starlight zainspirował mnie do zrobienia projektu, którego tematem przewodnim jest nocne niebo. 

Today I'd like to show you my layout. A paper from Starlight collection inspired me to make a project with the night sky. 

Dla uzyskania tego efektu pokryłam cały arkusz przeźroczystym gesso, a następnie dodałam trochę białego gesso przy użyciu gąbki. Na koniec trochę chlapnięć białym i brokatowym Splashem przy użyciu wachlarzowego pędzelka. 

To make this effect I covered a whole sheet of paper with clear gesso and after that I put some white gesso with a sponge. I also added some white and glitter Splash Ink with a fan brush. 

By moje gwieździste niebo było bardziej przestrzenne dodałam trochę gwiazdek wykonanych dziurkaczem. 
To make my starry night more dimensional, I added some stars made with a puncher. 

Product list:


Wednesday, 30 March 2016

My Baby by Fiona Paltridge

Hello 13arts fans! Fiona here with you again to share my latest creation using some of the "Starlight" collection. I am especially in love with love hearts at the moment so these papers and the stencil of hearts is perfect for my mood.

"My Baby"

Product List:
Ayeeda Pastel Mists - Pastel PinkPastel Coral ,Pastel Salmon
Paper from the Starlight Collection SagitariusOrion

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

A Fond Farewell from Jelissa

Hello 13@rts friends,

how has everyone been? Today will be my last project for 13@rts after 2 wonderful terms with Aida and the best team in the world. It is after a lot of consideration that I have to say goodbye, as you all know we have a new addition to the family and it is getting more difficult to find time for myself and for creating. All the mothers out there will know - it is almost impossible to go to the toilet some times! Hopefully things will get easier as the kids grow up and I can start creating again.

For my last post, I am sharing a project of my little girl. She has the sweetest smile that makes us unable to get angry with her when she is naughty. Yes, at 5 months old she is already up to a lot of mischief just like her two brothers.

I started with a white cardstock and primed it with 13@rts clear gesso before working on my background. Lots of layering of mediums - I first created an array of stenciled doily with a paste of Pink metallic paint and Magic powder. I then sprayed water generously to get the pink from the paste to bleed out. When this is dry, I painted on more colors with Pink pearl mist and Raspberry matt paint. After all the colors have dried, I stenciled more words with modeling paste and painted on a final layer with Chalk Dirty Pink. Lastly, this was finished with stamping to create motion on the page.

More details in the close-ups:

Straws that I made with Olga's Starlight collection papers. I brushed one end into gel medium and dipped it into gold stripes to create confetti. The Wheelies and Buttons chipboard was painted with Coral and Apricot matt paints. I had also sprinkled some gold microspheres here and there.

Left-over from one of the store's flower packs which I had torn off the centre for another project. This is perfect for staging my butterfly cut out from Secret Letters and I had painted lightly with Pearl Pink mist. I also built my paper layers from Starlight collection.

More background goodies here.

My balancing cluster create with some flowers and a cut-out butterfly from Secret Letters.

Chipboard title from 13@rts that I had left unaltered.

Hidden sentiments in the background.

That's all I have for today. I will miss all of you, and the wonderful people on the 13@rts team. Hope to see everyone again!

13@rts products used:

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Last projects from Arantzazu Sangrador and Tatyana Sidorenko

Czas leci tak szybko... Pora pożegnać się z naszymi wspaniałymi i utalentowanymi Gośćmi- Tatyaną Sidorenką i Arantzazu Sangrador. Dziękujemy Dziewczyny za Waszą pracę i wszystkie piękne inspiracje!

Time flies so fast... It's time to say goodbye to our wonderful and talented Guests- Tatyana Sidorenko and Arantzazu Sangrador. Thank you ladies for your work and beautiful inspirations! 


Arantzazu Sangrador

It is very difficult to say goodbye to a design team like this! All the girls are incredible and the greatest artists with you can learn! 
Aida thank you very much for trusting me and especially Martha for being available to solve our problems or questions , you are a key part of this team ! So I say goodbye with gratitude for your warm welcome and especially promise to continue arround here! Hahaha! Without further ado I present my last project as GDT for 13arts !

 I was inspired by the quote and the starry sky. As to the quote, I think the magic reigns in our childhood but I always say that I have Peter Pan syndrome ... hahaha 

for that , I used the picture of a little girl with the starry sky ..... I tried to create a starry sky at night , when dreams begin ... For that, I used the black background of the paper to create the darkness of the starry night, 

I have given texture with gray paint and black and white gesso I have stamped some stamps and then I have embossed them with silver powder,a little glitter for it shine more and then I have glued some gauze to look them like a kind of mist...

to finish, i have used a star dies to which I have applied glitter of different colors.

I Have used: 


Tatyana Sidorenko

As her last project for us, Tatyana made some beautiful cards! 

Full of colors and details. 

Aren't they great?

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Memories | Terhi Koskinen

Hi all!

Terhi here today sharing this simple layout I did for >>>Paperdvizhnik Challenge<<< - 13arts is sponsoring the challenge.

The sketch was simple. One photo and very dominating vertical lines. I went quite strict with the sketch and stayed with monochromatic color scheme. White, black and some browns and grays.

Sometimes less is more, like here. Few loops with thick black thread makes a lot of attention.

Thank you for stopping by here today!

Terhi xx

13@rts products: