Showing posts with label Out of The Blue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Out of The Blue. Show all posts

Monday, 23 July 2018

Summer exploding box by Christina

Hello 13Arts fans!!!! This is Christina here fron hot Greece ... Summer is hot here and people mostly prefer going to beaches and islands to have some vacations . So... today I have a mini exploding box including some memories to give as a gift to my best friend. It 's from our four day vacations in an Greek island , Skiathos....

 This is my summer box . As you can see , I have used some shades of blue and red to make an interesting contrast...

Corals and shells were needed to create a summery result. 

This exploding box is full of happy memories , some photos from our vacations . I have also used a lot of chipboards painted with metallic colours and a lot of glitter. Glitter is one of my favourite products and I always use it on my creations. 

I love "Out of the blue " collection . No modeling paste today. It ' s rare for me but I loved the result. Hope you loved it , too. 
Product list:

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Summer page

Cześć wszystkim,

dziś layout, przy którym nie użyłem w ogóle wody. Postanowiłem nieco zamieszać bez moczenia pracy.

Hello everyone,

today I have for you a page, which I've made without using a water. I decided make something and don't wet a paper.

Niebieskie tło powstało dzięki użyciu gel medium wymieszanemu z dwoma kolorami niebieskich tuszy wodnych. Gel medium nałożyłem punktowo, położyłem na tym folie i docisnąłem. Powtórzyłem to kilka razy. Dzięki temu oprócz koloru uzyskałem fajną fakturę.

The blue backround I made with gel medium mix with water ink in different shades of blue color. I put this on the paper, I cover with sheet of plasticand pushed. I made this few times. It's nice effect with interesting texture.

Na tak powstałym tle zrobiłem kilka odbitek stemplami i ułożyłem kompozycję z sizalu, tekturek i papieru. Na koniec dodałem kilka chlapnięć z czarnego i ciemno niebieskiego splasha.

On this backround I added few pattern from stamps and I created composition with sisal, chipboards and papers. At the end I added stains, which I've made with black and navy blue splah.

Użyłem: / I used:

Życzę Wam miłego dnia.

I wish you a nice day.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

'Dream' by Lisa Griffith

Hello there 13 arts friends, it's Lisa here with a colorful 
layout I created using lots of 13 arts mists.


The 'Out of Blue' collection is one of my favourites....I love the watercolor flowers
and the bright colors. This paper is called 'Spring Blossoms' with some pretty
flowers down the side. I did some stenciling with modeling paste in the background
and then added some mists in turquoise and coral.

I also added a chipboard title that I painted black and then highlighted 
with some white Splash ink.

Here is a list of 13 arts products I used:

'Spring Blossoms' from 'Out of the Blue'
13 arts White Modeling Paste 
Stencil 'Damask'
'Aura Rosa' Chipboard
13 arts White Splash Ink
13 arts Black Splash Ink
Ayeeda Mist 'Chalk Turquoise'
Ayeeda Mist 'Pearl Orange'
Ayeeda Mist 'Pastel Coral'
Stickers 'Secret Letters'

I hope I have inspired you to go really bold with your colors!
Hugs, Lisa xo

Monday, 10 April 2017

'Black Swan' by Lisa Griffith

Hello 13 arts friends, so glad you stopped by :)
I have a layout to share with you today created with lots of 13 arts mediums.

'Black Swan'

I used a paper called 'Blue Light' from the 'Color Basic' collection designed by Olga.
It made for the perfect subtle backdrop for my photo. I created my background using 
some of the amazing Rainbow Color Duo in 'Navy Blue', and some Ayeeda Mists
in 'Pastel Cobalt' and 'Pastel Black'

List of 13 arts products used:

13 arts Clear Gesso 
13 arts White Gesso
13 arts Modeling Paste
13 arts Gel Medium
Paper 'Blue Light'
Paper 'Aria Story'
Paper 'Spring Flowers'
Stencil 'Butterflies'
Stencil 'Postcard'
Rainbow Color Duo 'Navy Blue'
Ayeeda Mist 'Pastel Black'
Ayeeda Mist 'Cobalt Blue'
Silver Microspheres
Glass Microspheres
Blue Decorative Crystals
Black Hex Glitter

See you soon,
Lisa xo

Saturday, 1 April 2017

Coraz bliżej Wielkanoc! Easter is coming!


Zbliża się Wielkanoc. Czy wiedzieliście, że w 13arts mamy mnóstwo różności idealnych do stworzenia świątecznych projektów? Tylko spójrzcie co zrobiły nasze utalentowane projektantki! 

Easter is coming. Did you know that in 13arts we have tons of goodies perfect to make Easter projects? Just take a look what our super talented Designers made!

Emila jest naszą królową kartek. Tylko spójrzcie na te piękne jajka! 
 Emilia is our Queen of cards. Just look at these beautiful eggs! 

Lista produktów/Product List:

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 Fiona poczarowała farbkami i stworzyła niezwykłą kartkę z malowanymi jajeczkami!
Fiona did some magic with paints and made this amazing card with cute painted eggs!

Lista produktów/Product List:


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Terhi stworzyła piękny layout pełen wiosny i kwiatów! 
Terhi made a beautiful layout full of Spring and flowers!

Lista produktów/Product List:

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Czy zrobiliście już jakiś wielkanocny projekt? Możecie podzielić się pracą w komentarzu lub w naszej Facebookowej grupie ARTelier :)

Have you made anything for Easter yet? You can share your projects in the comment or in our ARTelier FB Group :) 

Monday, 30 January 2017

'Believe' by Lisa Griffith

Hello lovely 13 arts friends, Lisa here to share a brand new layout using 
the beautiful 'Out of the Blue' collection.


I started with the paper called 'Dreamland' as my base and added lots of pretty 
13 arts mediums in colors of plum, purple and bordeaux.

Here are a few close ups:

I took the 13 arts Paint in 'Violet' which matched the paper perfectly and I 
splashed some on a piece of white cardstock and the used a snowflake die to cut out some 
snowflakes to give an icy feel to my page.

These are all the 13 arts products I used:

'Out of the Blue' collection 'Dreamland'
'Aria Story' collection 'Notes and Thoughts'
13 arts Clear gesso
13 arts White Modeling Paste
Stencil 'Her Style'
Chipboard 'Secret Letters'
Ayeeda Ink 'Bordeaux'
Ayeeda Ink 'Violet'
Ayeeda Mist 'Chalk Lilac'
Ayeeda Paint 'Violet'
Ayeeda Shiny Powder 'Pink'
13 arts Silver Microspheres
Ayeeda Paint 'Silver Glitter'
13 arts Silver Hologram Glitter
13 arts Purple Silk Flowers

See you soon,
Lisa xo

Friday, 27 January 2017

Tomorrow | Terhi Koskinen


Terhi here with a layout reminding me about one of the best things happened in 2016 - my journey to Poland and Mixed Media pARTy!
I took this photograph through car window while we were traveling to the mountains, to the place where both MMP and MMP2 were kept. Did you know we have a new plan for this this year?
Yes we do, so mark your calendars to 16th-18th June 2017 and hope over to Mixed Media pARTy blog to find out more!

This layout continues the warm colors from the photograph. There's mix of papers from multiple collections like Out of the Blue, Winter Tales and Starlight. These three collections are designed by fabulous Olga Heldwein, and mixing the collections is easy.

The title is a chipboard word and I added very thick layer of Glitter Gold Splash! Ink on top.

If you're wondering about the background, there's Tattered Circles stencil used with mix of golden Shiny Powder and Gel medium.
I hope this inspires you!

Thank you for stopping by!

Terhi xx

13arts products:

Monday, 14 November 2016

Last project from GD - Bea Mucsi

Czas pożegnać naszą utalentowaną projektantkę - Beę Mucsi. Jako swoją ostatnią pracę, Bea przygotowała layout ze swoją córką. 
It's time to say goodbye to our talented Guest Designer- Bea Mucsi. As her last project Bea made a layout with her daughter. 


Bea Mucsi

Hello 13@rts funs!

It is my last project as a guest designer at 13@rts, so I'd like to thank to be with you and hope I could inspire you with my scrapbook layouts.

Now I brought another layout about my daughter Hanna. 
I slightly covered the paper with withe gesso and on the main area I applied crackle paste.

 Than I colored it with different mists. I stenciled with modeling paste and splashed with white gesso (mixed with some water) and black shiny powder. Than I built the layers behind my photo. At the end I added some microspheres to my layout.