Showing posts with label Eskmeals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eskmeals. Show all posts

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Eskmeals Saturday 21/07/2012

Present JS, RG, CG, LH and KH.
Bright sunshine and the poor breeding season reduced our normal July catch size by approximately 50%.  A total of 56 birds were processed of 14 species.  They were as follows, (retraps). Wren 3(1), Dunnock 9, Lesser Whitethroat 1,  Blackcap 4, Blue Tit 8(1),  Robin 7, Song Thrush 2, Chiffchaff  8, Willow Warbler 4, Great Tit 2, Treecreeper 1, Jay 1, Bullfinch 1, Lesser Redpoll 3

Monday, 20 February 2012

Eskmeals - Old Robins Re-visit.

Present KH. LH. RG, CG, and JS.                                                                         Date 11/02/2012

A total of 48 birds were processed of which 33 were re-traps. They were as follows (re-traps).
Sparrowhawk 1, Wren 1(2), Dunnock (2), Robin 2(7), Blackbird 1(1), Blackcap 2, Goldcrest (1), Long-tailed Tit (3), Coal Tit 1(1), Blue Tit 5(15). Bullfinch 2(1).

Two of the seven re-trap Robins were a minimum of five years old and although re-trapped previously one had not been seen for two and the other three years.

This got me thinking about winter visitors to Eskmeals.
It has long been a disappointment, that in ringing 1194 Blackcaps since 1988, our group have never had a control at Eskmeals.  I have investigated, using IPMR, and found that if you regard the beginning of November through to the end of  February as winter, then we have had birds returning consecutive winters on 8 occasions. This is with only 44 other re-traps, summers and same winters. There have been no occurrences of a summer bird being re-trapped in this winter period.  This, I believe, shows how important this west coast Sea-buckthorn site is for Blackcaps.
It is not a site for other over wintering warblers with only 2 Chiffchaffs out of 658 and 1 Willow Warbler out of 3497 caught in what I would call deep mid-winter.

Monday, 30 January 2012

Interesting Blaca

Present KH, LH, AM, RG and JS.       Eskmeals  28/01/2012

Perfect ringing conditions and, as a fortnight ago, a slow start but a good final total.  The Bullfinch obviously roost away from our net sites, as we are there two hours before they honour us with their presence.  On our last visit to this site the blog was entitled "Bullfinch Bonanza", today we had  twice as many new birds and went well past the 100 colour ringed. 

A total of 142  birds was processed of 16 species, re-traps shown in brackets. They were as follows: Wren 1(1), Dunnock (4), Robin 5(6), Blackbird 8(3), Fieldfare 3, Song Thrush 4, Redwing 2, Blackcap 6(2), Goldcrest 2(1), Long-tailed Tit 4(4), Coal Tit 3(7), Blue Tit 5(17), Great Tit 3(5), Treecreeper 1(1), Chaffinch 3(2), Bullfinch 34(5).     

Blackcaps always remind me of little boys whose mothers cut their hair with the use of a pudding bowl.  The bird below looks like his mum has given him some highlights

Monday, 16 January 2012

Bullfinch Bonanza

Present : JS, AM, RG, LH, KH.                                                  Eskmeals  14/01/2012

Although we knew we were close to processing a 100 birds the cold wind got into old bones. Too cold to do a count we finished and found out later we were 1 short of the ton.  

Ninety-nine birds of  sixteen species were processed.They were as follows with re-traps shown in brackets; Sparrowhawk 1, Wren 1(1), Dunnock 2, Robin 4(4), Blackbird 7(2), Fieldfare 7, Song Thrush 3, Redwing 4, Blackcap 5, Coal Tit 3(1), Blue Tit 3(17), Great Tit 2, Treecreeper 1, Chaffinch 5(1), Greenfinch 1, Bullfinch 17(7).

Below are three photographs of some interest taken on the day.

Song Thrush Replacing Lost Feathers

Notice How Sunlight changes Eyes

Blackbird Twisted and Crossed Bill

Friday, 21 October 2011

Bullfinch R.A.S. Kick-off

This last weekend the 15th and 16th of October different members were active on different days at Eskmeals.  JS,  MW,  RG, CG,  LH and KH.  123 birds of 15 species  were processed.  They were as follows, re-traps in brackets.   Sparrowhawk 1, Wren 3(1), Dunnock 4(2), Robin 3(1), Blackbird 10(1), Song Thrush 5, Blackcap 10, Chiffchaff 2, Goldcrest 9, Long-tailed Tit 2(1), Coal Tit 7(6), Blue Tit 12(4), Great Tit 3(2), Chaffinch 7, Bullfinch 22(3). 

A tape lure was used successfully to increase Bullfinch numbers as the group is attempting a RAS.  The first colour combination used was Violet over Violet Left Leg with Violet over metal Right Leg The ring was placed on a  female so you can guess what she will be called, if we see her again. 

First Male Colour Ringed Bullfinch

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Pair of Goldcrest Return to Eskmeals 16/04/2011

Present RG, CG, AM, JS and KH.
On imputing two re-trap Goldcrests into IPMR I noticed that this male and female had been caught together approximately 12 months earlier. A pair of Pied Wagtails were an unusual catch for this site, being only the third and fourth caught in 23 years. The photograph below illustrates how they started a debate.  Motacilla alba or yarrellii.  Close examination on site and then of photos taken and the use of reference books confirmed that both were yarrellii.
Bird on Right Lighter than Photograph Shows 
 A total of 66 birds processed 22 of which were re-traps.  They were as follows,(re-traps): Pied Wagtail 2, Wren 4(1), Dunnock 3(2), Robin 3(5), Blackbird 1(2), Song Thrush 1, Blackcap 5(1), Chiffchaff 3(5), Willow Warbler 3, Goldcrest (2), Coal Tit 1(1), Blue Tit 2, Chafffinch 4, Lesser Redpoll 2(1), Bullfinch 10 (2).   

Monday, 11 April 2011

Redstart and Returning Migrants 09/04/2011

Present: RG; CG; AM; KH  and JS.
A total of 45 birds of 11 species were processed of which 9 were (re-traps). They were as follows. Wren (1), Redstart 1, Blackbird (1), Blackcap 3(0), Chiffchaff 8(1), Willow warbler 5(1), Long-tailed-Tit 1(1), Coal Tit (1), Chaffinch 5, Lesser Redpoll 2, Bullfinch 9(3). The highlight was a male Redstart.  This was unfortunately only seen by myself as I was working some distance from the others and the birds welfare comes first.  It was the first I had handled in the spring and I could not believe the amount of feather abrasion.. A photograph is included for the benefit of the others in the group.  The two returning warblers were of no significant age. 

Can Anyone Age This?  
Feathers Stuck Together by Nectar.

Sunday, 27 February 2011

February's Totals Eskmeals and Rusland Valley 27/02/2011

Present KH, RG, CG and JS (part time)
The Winter Thrushes have moved away and ringing will be slow for the next month unless the weather take a turn for the worst. The month totals are as follows, re-traps in brackets.
Wren (1), Dunnock (2), Robin 2 (3), Blackbird 1 (1), Fieldfare 2, Blackcap 4, Long-tailed Tit (1), Coal Tit 4 (5), Blue Tit 69 (15), Great Tit 38 (5), Chaffinch 10, Goldfinch 6 (1), Siskin 22 (1), Lesser Redpoll 20,Bullfinch (1).
The two things of note in the month were our preparation for our Spain ringing trip and our encounters with Kite Surfers when trying for Rock Pipits.
Ros Practises Taking Biometrics Ready For Spain

They who harass geese shall be harassed (eco warrior) 

Wednesday, 26 January 2011


Present CG, RG, JS,AM, NH and MW.
A cold weather movement brought two old cock ringers South.
A total of 117 birds processed of which 83 were new. The 14 species were as follows, (re-traps):
FIELDFARE 34, Wren (1),  Dunnock  (1), Robin 5 (6), Blackbird 10 (4), Song Thrush 5 (2), Redwing 3, Blackcap 1 (3), Long-tailed Tit 9 (4), Coal Tit  (1), Blue Tit 3 (5), Chaffinch 7 , Brambling 1, Bullfinch 5 (7).

Who has lost his binoculars?

Sunday, 9 January 2011

First Visit To Eskmeals

Present KH, AM, JF, RG, CG.
This visit produced 118 birds to process, including 34 (re-traps). They were as follows . Sparrowhawk 1, Wren2, Robin(1), Blackbird 13 (3), Fieldfare 11, Song Thrush 4(1), Redwing 10, Blackcap 4(2), Goldcrest 1, Long-tailed Tit 1(1), Coal Tit 3(1), Blue Tit 8(13) Great Tit (4),  Treecreeper (1), Chaffinch 21, Bullfinch 5(7)
Redwing  (Rosalyn's Favourite)
Fieldfare  (An Eskmeals Speciality Enjoyed by All Members)

Monday, 13 December 2010

Two Species Not Normally Caught at Eskmeals

Present A.M.  J.S. K.H. R.G.  and  C.G.
Although not unknown at this site Brambling and Tawny Owl were the highlights of December, so far.  A total of 179 birds have been processed of 19 species.  They were as follows (re-traps).  Tawny Owl 1. Wren 1(4), Dunnock 1(5), Robin 4(7), Blackbird 19(6), Fieldfare 13, Song Thrush11(3), Redwing 1, Blackcap 5,Golcrest1(1), Long-tailed Tit 3(2), Coal Tit 6(6), Blue Tit 15(12), Great Tit (3), Treecreeper 1, Chaffinch 25, Brambling 1, Greenfinch 4, Bullfinch 14(12).

When ringing we don't always see the wildlife we would with a pair of binoculars and no distractions.  Here are two shots, taken by our chief photographer, in the ringing area.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Stavanger Blackbird and Novembers Totals for Eskmeals

Present:  AM , RG, CG, JS and KH (Part Time)
A total of 404 birds were processed 120 of which were (re-traps) with one control.
Sparrowhawk 1, Great Spotted Woodpecker 1, Wren 10(4), Dunnock 4(2), Robin 19(24), Blackbird 38(8), Fieldfare 13, Song Thrush 14(4), Redwing 4(1), Blackcap 9(2), Goldcrest 10 (1), Long-tailed Tit 9(8), Coal Tit 5(11), Blue Tit 54(21), Great Tit 4(4), Treecreeper 3(2), Chaffinch 40(3), Greenfinch 2(0), Bullfinch 44(25) . Watch this space for where the Blackbird came from in Norway.
Colin Processes His First Sparrowhawk

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Eskmeals 16/10/2010

Present AM. JS. RG. KH
A total of 98 birds processed of 14 species.  They were as follows (re-traps). Wren 7(1), Dunnock 5(2), Robin 7(8), Blackbird 8(4), Song Thrush 3, Blackcap 2, Goldcrest7(1), Long-tailed Tit 7(5), Coal Tit 2(1), Blue Tit 5(4), Great Tit1(1), Treecreeper 1, Chaffinch 6, Bullfinch 9(1).
As can be seen "AA" species were the most abundant the thrushes having not arrived in numbers.

AM manages to escape shed but not net.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Eskmeals 9/10/2010 & 10/10/2010

Present AM, JS, CG, RG.
A total of 149 birds of 15 species were processed of which (22) were re-traps.  They were as follows: Wren 6. Dunnock  2(2), Robin  20(5), Blackbird 12(2), Song Thrush  5, Blackcap  4, Chiffchaff  4, Golcrest 4, Lotti 7 (3), Coal Tit 2, Blue Tit 23(4), Great Tit 7(1), Treecreeper  4, Chaffinch 12, Bullfinch  15(2).

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

101 Scored at Eskmeals September Visit.

Present; AM, JS, CG, RG, and KH.
Although bright and sunny 101 birds caught . Ninety new birds and eleven (retraps). The 14 species were as follows: Wren 2, Dunnock 9, Robin 14(4) , Blackbird 2(1) , Blackcap 1(1) , Chiffchaff 1 , Goldcrest 2(1) , Long-tailed Tit (9) , Coal Tit 3(2) . Blue Tit 15(1) , Great Tit 8 , Chaffinch 7 , Greenfinch 5 , Bullfinch 12(1)

Ringer and Bird, Colour Co-ordinated.
Juvenile Goldcrest  5.8 Grammes (he will be a big help to his mum when he grows up.)

Monday, 26 July 2010

Friday Night Saturday Morning

Date 23/24/07/2010.  Present:  RG; CG; AM; JS and KH.
There were twenty species ringed and one-hundred and fifteen birds processed. They were as follows,( re-traps).   Wren 3(1),  Swallow 2, Dunnock 8, Robin 14(1), Blackbird 6, Song Thrush 1, Lesser Whitethroat 4, Whitethroat 4, Blackcap 7(1), Chiffchaff 10(1), Willow Warbler 9(1), Goldcrest 7, Long-tailed Tit 1, Coal Tit 5, Blue Tit 5(1), Great Tit 11(1), Jay 1, Chaffinch 2, Redpoll 4, Bullfinch 3.
As would be expected over 100 of the birds were aged "3" or "3J"
Below is a photo. of something that caused a minor diversion from ringing.  As ringers, some of the party, regard these as simply exotic bird food.

Brown-tailed Moth
Photograph A.M.

Dunnock admiring Colin.  Sorry Colin no room for photo. of you admiring the Dunnock

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Eskmeals May Totals

Present; AM, JS, RG, CG and KH.

A  total of 103 birds were processed. The following are the species ringed with (retraps).  Wren 5(3). Dunnock 4(6), Robin 5(4), Blackbird 6(1), Song Thrush 2, Lesser Whitethroat 7(2), Whitethroat 2. Blackcap 12(2), Chiffchaff 1(3), Willow Warbler 12(5), Goldcrest 2(1), Long-tailed Tit (1), Blue Tit (1), Great Tit 1(2) Chaffinch 2, Goldfinch2, Redpoll 2, Bullfinch 2(1)
The photograph below shows what else can be seen at Eskmeals and was the reward for some ride clearance work.  Cumbria is on its Northern edge with only one record for Scotland


Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Two Saturdays in May

Present J.S. : A.M. ; C.G. ; R.G. and K.H.
The following birds were processed,(retraps) on two typical  Saturdays in May.
Wren 4(3), Dunnock 2(4), Robin 4(2), Blackbird 2, Lesser Whitethroat 5(2), Blackcap 8(2), Chiffchaff 1(3), Willow Warbler 10(5), Goldcrest 2(1), Coal Tit 2(1), Blue Tit  (1), Great Tit1(2), Chaffinch 2, Goldfinch 2, Redpoll 2, Bullfinch 1.
The two retrapped  Lesser Whitethroats were returning birds ,but the two retrapped  Blackcaps had been caught earlier in this year

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Two Chiffchaffs Return to Eskmeals 17/04/2010

Present:   KH. JS. AM. CG.  RG.
A total of 63 birds were caught of 14 species.  They were as follows, (re-traps).
Robin 2(3) Blackcap1(0) Blackbird 5(0) Bullfinch 4(3) Dunnock 6(2) Blue Tit 4(2) Wren 5(1) Chiffchaff 8(2) Willow Warbler 5(0) Long-tailed Tit 0(2) Goldfinch 2(0) Chaffinch 2(0) Coal Tit 1(0) Lesser Redpoll 3(0).

A. M. giving a wing measurement "Master Class"

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Chiffchaff Migrant? 27/03/2010

Present KH AM JS MW RG.
The idea was for some ringing but ride preparation for the summer was priority.
Almost immediately we caught a Chiffchaff which had been previously caught on  19/09/2009.  This split the team into two camps.  Two people thought it had possibly over-wintered and the other three that it was a returning migrant.  The pros and cons to the discussion I leave you to work out.  The re-trap Blackcaps were initially caught on the same date as the Chiffchaff but obviously had over-wintered.
The totals for the species ringed (re-traps) were as follows: Blackbird 2; Goldcrest 2(1); Chiffchaff (1); Dunnock 3(1); Robin 3(3); Blue Tit 1; Great Tit 1; Blackcap 1(2).