Showing posts with label Rice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rice. Show all posts

Friday, November 27, 2009

Seafood Paella

Seafood Paella

Invited some friends over for a Seafood Pealla lunch today.
Cooking Paella is really sweat free ….. no slogging over the hot & angry stove while friends are chilling out in the living room.

Seafood Paella

Once, all the ingredients are nicely placed into the pan, I am very much free to join the chatting over a glass of nice chilled wine.

Only a couple of trips back & forth to give the rice a little stir, incase it ‘chowtar’ at the bottom.

I used a big sauté pan to cook this dish. I do wish for a paellera but I doubt I can get one locally.

Seafood Paella

Anyhow, I began prepping @ 11 am … & by noon, Pealla’s served.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Grilled Salmon Floss Rice

Salmon Floss Rice

I have not been feeding elf decent home cooked meals lately.
Especially where lunch is concerned, it’s kinda hard to cook a meal for 2, above all, my darling elf eats like a tiny bird *headache ahhhh*.

Along the way, elf had adopted my taste & likes in food (naturally eh!).
Just like me, he appreciates salads; sandwiches etc more than Chinese cooking.
I never enjoy typical Chinese meals served with dishes & boiled soup, though I am a Canto and was brought up drinking doubled boiled soups.
Now U know, I hate attending chinese dinners.
But give me pasta or casseroles anytime, I am pleased.

I love cooking one pot meals, to me, all the nutrients are kept in a pot & nothing is loss.
Also means fewer utensils to wash up...agree?
(Which reminds me that I need to grab a copy of Nigella Express fast.)

The mid-day meal today is another one bowl fare, that is relatively easy to whip up.

U need cooked rice, grilled salmon (flossed), salad leaves (cut finely), sesame oil and Japanese soy sauce to taste.
Toss well and scatter some toasted sesame seeds before severing.

Easy cooking for lazy me…elf’s fed & taking a nap, while I am tapping away here and thinking " What to cook for dinner tonight????" *sigh*"

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

糯 米 鸡 & Fruit Roll

Got some tips from on how to make 糯 米 鸡.
Me, being someone who loves glutinous rice alot…..decided to try out the dish today.
I did not make the rice the traditional way ... (that is by stacking the ingredients on top of the rice). What I did was diced the mushroom & chicken then mix it well before steaming

My bake of the day is this Fruit Roll.
Relatively simple to bake and elf have been requesting for 2nd helpings.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Braised Chicken wz Mushrooms

Remembered when I was young…..there is always a braised dish for dinner on special occasions.

The white rice taste exceptionally good with the sauce.
The meats are always very flavorful.

Since, I woke up real early today…decided to make some for both lunch & dinner….hitting 2 birds wz a stone.

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Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Baked Chicken Rice & Ginseng Soup

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